Need of a sound measurement in the Netherlands?
Not fluent in Dutch and in need of a sound measurement? ePrevent can help those who move to the Netherlands with officially recognised noise measurements.
ePrevent 1997: Amsterdam, Den haag, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Haarlem, Nijmegen, Leeuwarden, Emmen, Enschede, Terneuzen, Eindhoven, Maastricht and more.
Are you renting out one or more rooms of your home? Or are you planning to do so? Then you need a so-called conversion permit. After all, you can’t just convert an existing 'independent' home into 'non-independent' living space. You can obtain this conversion permit by having a noise measurement carried out in accordance with the Nen 5077.
Measuring sound correctly is a job for specialists! has more than 25 years of experience in performing noise measurements according to Nen 5077. We have the appropriate equipment (class 1) and the expertise in-house. Afterwards you will receive a clear Dutch report with indisputable measurement results.
Would you like to know more? or would you like to receive a non-binding quote? Mail us at
Geluidsmeting nodig? www geluidsmeting nl!!!
Welke geluidsmetingen
- Geluidsmeting bedrijven ( dagdosis meting ) NEN-3418-ISO-9612
- Geluidsmeting woning Nen 5077
- Geluidsmeting voor omzettingsvergunning
- Geluidsmeting voor verkamering
- Splitsing van woonruimte (geluidsmeting nodig)
- Geluidsmeting voor onttrekkingsvergunning
- Geluidsmeting lucht en contact geluid
- Geluidsmeting liften, airco/ warmtepomp, ventilatie of garagedeur
- Geluidsmeting geluidswering gevel of ramen.
- Meting ruimte akoestiek (galm, nagalm)
- Het opsporen van geluidslekken.
- Geluidsmeter huren?
- Second opinion geluidsmeting.
- Need of a sound measurement in the Netherlands?
- Over
- Contact.
Welke geluidsmetingen